The Art of Dreaming

The Shamanic Art of Navigating the Living Dream

Learn the Shamanic Art of navigating the living dream (both sleeping and waking) and dreaming into being whole new realities of magic and beauty in alignment with the Song of your Heart. You’ll discover innate tools that already live within your being for vast and rapid expansion of consciousness, and how to wield them like a fully-actualised master.

An immersive journey into the realms of everyday mystery & magic

What You’ll Receive When You Join

Immediate access to a beautifully curated and extensive resource library on masterful interpretation of both sleeping and waking dreams & the nuances of this process, all explored from the Toltec angle of Spiritual Mastery and geared towards maximum self-evolution

Lifetime access to support community hosted on Circle where you can ask questions as you go along & connect with others moving through this journey

You have access to these resources forever and can return to them as often as you wish as you go deeper and deeper with your process of embodiment, at the pace that is comfortable for your own journey.


Instantly available as a self-study training program, explore at your own pace our extensive training library filled to the brim with depth content, and enjoy interacting with our private learning community if desired

About the components of this offering

This Program Contains 2 Core Components:

Understanding the nature of the living Dream as a whole and how to co-create with it to manifest our chosen life. This encompasses the process and experience of “dreaming into being”, as well as accessing key data through the shamanic process known as “dreaming”, an ancient feeling-based artform (The Art of Dreaming as a much broader concept)

Developing mastery of interpretation of both sleeping and waking dreams – the type of dreams that are we typically familiar with, yet also covering the greater truth that the waking reality is a dreaming experience as well (we refer to this as The Art of Dream Interpretation specifically)

A little more about the Art of Dream Interpretation, for which you’ll receive an instant-access pre-recorded training library

Just some of the pieces that are covered within this program…

Our extensive resource library includes exploration around the following topics:

The Living Dream & Larger Concepts of the Art of Dreaming
The Shamanic Perspective
Activating Your Inner Shaman
 Manifesting a Higher Reality Through the Art of Dreaming
 Attuning to your Emerging Destiny Through Dreaming
 Tracking the Spirit of Your Highest Future
 Dreaming Power for Creation of Your Magical Life
✔ Nature an Extension of Being
Harmony With Nature – Becoming Nature
 Interpreting the Symbolic Language of the Dream (Both Sleeping & Waking)
Healing Dreams
Intuitive Reading Skills
The Art of Non-cognitive Sensing
 Understanding the Obstacles to Mastering the Artform
…and SO much more

(Expand to see all the points)

The Art of Dream Interpretation is a non-cognitive art form of the true Divine Feminine. Like everything else of a feminine nature, non-cognitive art forms have been largely suppressed during the last ages of masculine domination throughout the cosmos – artforms that it is now the time to fully reclaim as we enter this new paradigm of the Rising of the Feminine once again.


The Art of Dream Interpretation as taught in this program is an Ancient Toltec Shamanic practice, passed down by Toltec Seers over ages 

Your extremely comprehensive instant-access training library inclues audio classes, extensive written information, video trainings plus a private support and learning community. This is a rich and layered area of study that will help you with the understanding of interpreting your current life challenges, your next steps and even your large purpose as a being, as well as requesting change through grace during the course of your night’s sleep. 

Through the training you will explore the 24 stages of dreaming and unleash resources by recapitulating the past through your sleeping and waking dream life, tapping into the vast internal spiritual bank account that is yours to draw from always. Understand the art of dreaming for the evolution of consciousness, self-healing and guidance on how to manifest and navigate a life of grace – essential skills for the spiritual seeker on a path of Mastery.

“Opposition is only present when masculine and feminine try to function separately and are at war with each other because we are not hearing and honouring the feminine’s (non-cognitive) input. When we learn to interpret the feminine form of communication, we are able to incorporate this into our masculine outer lives such that the separation ends and a beautiful harmonious union is born – negating the need for forced evolution through opposition.”

Listen to a sample from one of the instantly available audio classes below:

What Our Clients Say

Working with Ciara is a life enhancing transformational experience, a gift that every light worker which resonates with her work and cutting edge wisdoms can deeply benefit from it. Ciara has supported me and walked alongside me at different stages of my personal evolution. As a Shaman with my own gifts and tools, I am selectived about whom I let into my inner space. With Ciara I am able to trust and surrender because I know I am skillfully and respectfully accompanied along my own exponential evolution. On the last 1:1 container ‘ Illuminate” I was able to ground deeply into my soul art and step into a new level of my being. Still I work in progress yet I know that the work we did has a ripple effect that will last for a long time. Thank you Ciara and much love

Daniela Oliveros, Shaman & Divine Feminine Doula

Being part of Visionary Spirit Launchpad feels like being in forward momentum, a palpable feeling of a process that is advancing and expanding. An encouragement from life itself, via Ciara, nudging us to create and grow. to be our best selves and to share our best selves. Being spiritually minded, it is important for me to feel that what I do is aligned with my higher purpose so finding this group and being part of this group puts my mind at ease when it comes to sacred business. It has given me permission and encouragement to branch out, speak out, reach out and be more authentically myself in all areas. Our minds, spirits, and hearts need tending to and when tended to we can truly be creative on all levels. I am fascinated by how we can expand our lives and I love learning, growing and then sharing all I find on my courses, workshops, and retreats.

Catherine Weitbrecht, Life Coach

As an ever-evolving multidimensional being, a poet, mystic, healer, and #SpokenWordAlchemist, I receive massive benefits, blessings, and support by being in CoCreative community with Ciara Young. Her sacred space groups overflow with deep mystical wisdom embodied, heart-nourishing practices, and practical business growth strategies not available anywhere else. Specifically tailored to growing new Light Leadership beyond the mainstream, her growing body of work supports all of us dancing along the growth edge of practical metaphysics for greatest self-actualization and creation of the new from the most heart-expansive field.

Bobbye Middendorf, Poet, Mystic, Healer

Ciara Young – Mystic & Mentor for Advanced Light Beings & Visionaries

Your guide for this journey…

My name is Ciara, and I’ve been on an accelerated spiritual journey my whole life.

I deeply know and understand the many challenges that come with walking this path. From a very young age I’ve known I was here for a very different purpose than what my environment led me to believe, and for many years this knowing was a source of great suffering.

Through a process of lifelong initiation, I came to understand that my calling is to work with those just like me who are here for something truly massive and far-reaching in its implications.

Those who simply don’t fit into existing paradigms, and who refuse to relinquish the knowing that a new world is possible – no matter how much of a pipe dream it might seem like from within the confines of mainstream realities.

After many years of prior preparation, I encountered the Seer Almine in 2011 and have been a serious and dedicated student ever since, working deeply with many of the sacred teachings brought forth by this most profound Mystic. My work is informed in equal parts by this study and by my own interaction with life.

It’s impossible for me to put into words the honour I feel to be privileged enough to participate in even the smallest way in the lives of those who come to walk alongside me for any length of time, and I don’t take any of this lightly. 

You can be assured with me that I treasure you inherently in the way that is befitting of the divine being that you are. The preciousness of your existence is safe with me.

Potential Questions You Might Have

Terms of Exchange

Your exchange contribution is non-refundable due to immediate access to content/materials.

Support is provided via a group format doesn’t include private 1:1 contact via email and chat. 

Your exchange contribution indicates that you understand 1:1 support is not included in this program, that this is a group offering, and that you will not unreasonably expect personal support or contact either via email or private message within our community space.

Participants agree not to reproduce the content shared within this platform for commercial purposes without express written consent, or to share content publicly. Violation of this agreement will result in immediate termination of membership and loss of membership access rights.

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