Roots & Wings – Bespoke 1:1 Mentoring Program

You Can Only Fly As High As You’ve Gone Deep

Take the risk to become yourself.

The life you desire is on the other side of bone-deep change, release of all that is in the way of who you truly are, and crossing the bridge of inevitable transition that will lead you to a higher order.

To become your full self is worth the price of what must be let die for you to be born, but the journey is difficult to walk alone when all that is present is reference points of an old way of functioning.

This is where you and I cross paths, and what has brought you here.

Radical reclamation of your True Self and full emergence into the life that you really desire doesn’t have to be painful or traumatic, but through expanded consciousness and deeply Divine Feminine healing, a beautiful journey of grace and joyful self-acquaintance.

Give yourself the give of receiving the support your soul so deeply yearns for.

Women come to me when untruth on any level is a cost they can no longer bear. If you’re ready to come home to the expression of self that is achingly authentic to your innermost core, meet me on the bridge where together we’ll sing your greatest life into emergence.

Rewrite your destiny with me.

The life you seek requires a passageway of profound transformation.

And – you have may realised by now – is on the other side of a radical return to your Self.

The way you have perceived yourself thus far determines everything, and I can guarantee it’s not accurate to the true depth of who you are.

When you change your self-concept, you change your life – and that is exactly the voyage we are about to embark on…

Though it’s clear what you want, it might not be obvious to you how to get there (and in fact, what you think you want may be vastly less than what is actually possible for you).

As we dissolve layers upon layer of old identity and reference points, the true potential for your life will re
veal itself as you return to the well of exquisite self-belonging.

Using a systematic approach to overhauling every facet of your life, from the dissolution of ancient limits that you may not even be aware of…

To the redefining of the fundamental blueprint that has formed your worldview (think all past experience, your family system, major relationships)

We will comb through all the hidden spaces that nobody else has even thought to look

– lifting, shaping and fashioning of all the most important areas in your life to a form that matches the truth of your essence

…And ending up with a completely different You who knows the inviolable beauty, power and deservingness of her being as an irrevocably embodied experience. 

It’s hard to describe the full scope of what happens in this work, but what I will say is that you will know if I’m the person who can help you – the pull will be undeniable.

Do not seek your destiny, seek yourself.

A secret that few will tell you… you cannot become anything that you aren’t already deep inside.

The highest potential for you life is found not by running endlessly in the pursuit of something external, but by melting return to the sacred core of who you are.

Here, the fertile riches of your true inner treasure await your cherishing acceptance of their right to be in the light.

All that you have been taught about yourself is false; and together we will nurture into full maturation your birthright of becoming all that you are.

I have walked these moonlit corridors, and know the mastery it takes to turn inwards enough to recreate all that you’ve seen as your life thus far.

I offer you my hand as we walk together towards fulfilling the deepest yearnings of your sacred heart.

My Approach To Supporting Your Full Emergence

A fusion of Ancient Feminine Shamanism, mysticism, metaphysics, quantum engineering, intuitive coaching & mentoring, healing through remembered Oneness, feminine embodiment and metaphysical psychology

All drawn from a deep well of understanding of modern challenges and an absolute wealth of personal experience – not to mention extreme and sincere care for the sacredness of your life.

I have thousands of lifetimes of experience doing this work, and most importantly, almost 20 active years of spiritual healing and self-development in this lifetime under my belt, with 10 of those being spent directly serving clients in a variety of settings.

In addition to my own personal experience and learning gleaned from life, I’ve trained in a huge range of transformational modalities from incredibly advanced cutting-edge mystical and alchemical tools, techniques and systems, to Quantum Coaching and healing, Feminine Embodiment and Woman-Centered Coaching, NLP & Time Line Therapy, Energy Coaching, trauma-informed healing techniques, and much more. 

Through our work together, we will uncover the greater truth of your being & align all levels of life with who you really are.

All of this facilitates rapid healing of age-old limitations, collapsing time and dramatically shifting your reality at an accelerated yet very stable pace that can be comfortably integrated into your existing life circumstances – while helping you to design a whole new life template if that is your desire.

I hold great sensitivity around the ecology of your current life (family, children, relationships, etc) and will always support in a way that is truly holistic and allows for the whole picture to be worked with at once; a rare experience in the coaching industry that tends to function with myopic vision and miss critical areas requiring support.

Working with me is a truly unique experience and you’ll know if you’re being called.

Client Testimonials

Feminine-essenced potential cannot be extracted, it has to bloom.

For this, the right conditions are needed; the right nutrition, shelter, space, and warmth.

Few women have been given by life what is required for their flowering to occur, and yet so many blame themselves – denying the truth of their organic nature exactly as the conditioning of the paradigm we are leaving behind has taught us to do.

In the old life, none of us were provided with what we really needed to be nourished, thus we have not learned how to do so for ourselves.

The journey of feminine reclamation is in equal parts an undoing of all that was false, and a learning of the vital missed steps that we were never taught.

It is my deepest commitment to hold you through this tender process, that you might emerge naturally and gently into the fullness of blossom as the radiant Rose of your own life.

Here, there is no push, no force, only the sacredness of meticulously paced Divine Feminine revelation – something that in itself will be deeply healing to your sensitive, over-burdened feminine system.

Step in for exquisite care of your Sacred Self. Once inside, you will receive my utmost devotion to your process of becoming. This is my highest-touch field where I can lavish my deepest treasuring upon you – all my clients attest to how sincerely held they feel within the container of this work, and how true and sincere the reverence for your preciousness. I know what it feels like to have been let down, and thus the priority of this area is turned way up for me.

An intimate 6-month journey for the mystical woman who stands on the threshold between one life and another

investment: €5000 (6 month payment plans available)
  • Bi-weekly private 1:1 sessions for 6 months
  • Private messenger access throughout
  • Powerful alchemical entrainment field held for you with ongoing background support
  • Any resources I wish to provide for you
  • Access to any of my containers that I feel would benefit you through our journey together (no limit – at my discretion)
Ready to begin the next phase of your quest for self?

If you’re called to this journey use contact form to reach out to discuss your needs & desires or use the, or simply click the button below to book a connection call

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Scope of practice notice

Although I am trauma-informed and professionally trauma-trained and incorporate multiple trauma healing modalities into this work, I am not a licensed Trauma Therapist and this work is not intended as a substitute for therapy. Where appropriate, suggestions may be made for additional support avenues if significant trauma requiring deeper therapeutic intervention is present.

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