It’s hard to describe the full scope of what happens in this work, but what I will say is that you will know if I’m the person who can help you – the pull will be undeniable.
I meet you at the threshold, and together we traverse the narrow path from one level of life to an0ther.
Between every level of existence and the next, there is a hidden door… a gate which must be passed through to reach the reality that lies on the other side.
You know this is the gate that you face, and walking alone is neither easy nor the most nourishing path in this new time.
This is where our paths cross…
I am a master at traversing these in-between places, and I come to steward you now to that what you have always wanted through meticulous attunement to the frequency of what is beckoning beyond.
Through this in-depth, profoundly intimate and close-quarters work, you will have me in your pocket to walk with you every step into a higher life.
With a vast expansive approach to draw from, we precisely transform that which is ready to go, transmute the lead of challenge into dramatically higher perception, and transfigure your existence into the miracle of high light that leverages you directly into a new life.
As a cosmic being, you know well that these initiatory passages that separate the life you wish from the self of the past are the gateway to everything.
It would be my great honour to walk with you from where you stand right now to where you wish to be, through the journey of mystical revelation of a lifetime.

Ciara is a trailblazer, a wayshower of wayshowers, a guiding light that can help you go further and deeper than you’ve ever gone before provided you are willing to put the work in. I have never finished up a session with Ciara in the last year without feeling clearer, brighter, stronger, and more enlightened than I did before the session and I can say with hand on heart that she has helped me to navigate some potentially rough waters with grace and poise. We have also been able to uncover the gems of these experiences which have brought some wonderful insights that have been put to use very effectively in my family life and with my clients.
I feel that working with Ciara on a weekly basis has helped us to synch up so we are ready to dive straight in at the deep end in every session which makes for some very powerful shifts and healing. Anyone who is serious about uncovering their unique gifts, working with cutting edge healing modalities and spiritual teachings, or in search of a mentor to compliment your healing practice, get in touch with Ciara ASAP, it will be the best decision you’ve ever made!
I feel that working with Ciara on a weekly basis has helped us to synch up so we are ready to dive straight in at the deep end in every session which makes for some very powerful shifts and healing. Anyone who is serious about uncovering their unique gifts, working with cutting edge healing modalities and spiritual teachings, or in search of a mentor to compliment your healing practice, get in touch with Ciara ASAP, it will be the best decision you’ve ever made!
As an ever-evolving multidimensional being, a poet, mystic, healer, and #SpokenWordAlchemist, I receive massive benefits, blessings, and support by being in CoCreative community with Ciara Young. Her sacred space groups overflow with deep mystical wisdom embodied, heart-nourishing practices, and practical business growth strategies not available anywhere else. Specifically tailored to growing new Light Leadership beyond the mainstream, her growing body of work supports all of us dancing along the growth edge of practical metaphysics for greatest self-actualization and creation of the new from the most heart-expansive field.
Working with Ciara is a life enhancing transformational experience, a gift that every light worker which resonates with her work and cutting edge wisdoms can deeply benefit from it. Ciara has supported me and walked alongside me at different stages of my personal evolution. As a Shaman with my own gifts and tools, I am selectived about whom I let into my inner space. With Ciara I am able to trust and surrender because I know I am skillfully and respectfully accompanied along my own exponential evolution. On the last 1:1 container ‘ Illuminate” I was able to ground deeply into my soul art and step into a new level of my being. Still I work in progress yet I know that the work we did has a ripple effect that will last for a long time. Thank you Ciara and much love
My Beautiful sister, I want to thank you for being in my life. I feel so connected to you. You have totally shifted me. Eternal gratitude. I love you very much. Even though those words are of separation in this world you know what i mean. I wanted to share with you that I had a client yesterday. He payed me $300 and loved the session. Thank you. I woke up with a different feeling about myself. Opened to new realities. My female vogel crystals were also very happy because they felt prostituted before. There was no lingering energies… very interesting. Anyway I wanted to thank you for everything. You have made me feel back home with my true family. Thank you for all you do. Love
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My job is to activate and inspire, and ignite you into your own knowledge of the actions to take to fulfil the covenant that only you hold the keys to.
Not everybody is ready for receive this.
My best clients are those who are truly ready to receive such medicine and run with the ignition into their own self-created destiny.
I will run alongside you to make sure you take flight, but I will not carry you, because you would never know the strength of your own wings if I did.
If you are truly ready and these words light a fire in your soul, continue to explore enrollment below.
An intimate 6-month journey for the mystical woman who stands on the threshold between one life and another

- Bi-weekly private 1:1 sessions for 6 months
- Private messenger access throughout
- Powerful alchemical entrainment field held for you with ongoing background support
- Any resources I wish to provide for you
- Access to any of my containers that I feel would benefit you through our journey together (no limit – at my discretion)