The Garden
A sacred, secret space to heal & rebuild from a very different place
The support you need to become who you’re meant to be in a sacred, secret garden of Divine Feminine healing
– Live life on your own terms
– Know your own essence and power
– Follow your own path unhindered
– Feel full ecstatic joy at the miracle of being yourself
The Garden helps you to create the life you actually want

So Join Us To…
Unleash your creativity unbounded
Heal the feeling that the true depth of your creative power is stuck behind the glass wall of needing approval, fearing backlash or meeting the expectations of others
Heal the ways you show up in relationship from co-dependence, trauma-responses and self-diminishment
Overcome all the ways you make yourself smaller than you are and set yourself and others free to thrive
Learn to presence yourself fully, put yourself out there and go for your dreams confidently in full self-belief
Make real your latent extraordinary potential for an incredible life
Experience the visceral knowing of being deeply loved, safe, cherished in a benevolent universe
Liberate the physical, emotional and psychological frozen tensions keeping you from what you really desire
Fall deeply in love with your own inviolable inner wisdom
Reunite with the dignity of true trust in yourself above all else, unconditionally, in all circumstances
Learn to care for and meet yourself in exquisite self-reverence
From nebulous buzz-concept to actual lived experience that is not focused on indulging the lowest parts, but watering the ground of the highest self
Heal skipped developmental steps that are blocking you from the mature thriving adult life you want
Resolving a hidden reason why so many fail to fully articulate the dreams of their heart in life, love and work
Become unshakably strong in holding the boundaries of your own chosen life experience
Boundaries are not walls, they’re multi-levelled frameworks within which to grow and tend to your sacred life. Without them, your true potential has no chance to be formed, and mastering this art as an immovable force gives you the space to become who you really are
Liberate the deepest core psychological aspects of your ancient self
You know they’re there, and their inaccessibility feels like a missing limb. You’re well aware you can’t go forward without them – and through this portal they’ll come unlocked to add their full power to your impossible dreams
Pull together all pieces of self strewn across space and time and dimensions that are leaving you scattered
Bringing all of you into the present moment of forward movement with everything going in the same direction
Stretch effortlessly beyond your most rigidly set limits, and find yourself renewed through Grace
Dismantle ceilings you don’t even know about without trying through fully receiving the divine assistance that is present in this space
Featuring Sacred Alchemy from the Infinite Mother
What’s Inside The Garden?

The deep work to change at a core level, unavoidable to produce the life you really want, within a loving field of nourishment and support that makes it graceful, easeful and beautiful.
This work is hard to do without a support system because it can feel so harsh to leave old illusions behind. This fact sends even the most ambitious fleeing backwards into an old life continuously before the new even has a chance to fully take root (you’ve probably experienced this, possibly many times). We get this, and we’re here to walk by your side through the transition. We are deeply experienced in this area and fully equipped to support across all the dimensions of self and life.

Try it at no risk for one month, and if it doesn’t profoundly enhance your life, you can cancel anytime from right within your own dashboard
What Some of Our Clients Say
Today was my last workshop that I attended in BOH and I wanted to express my huge gratitude for my time in Visionary Spirit and Bringers of hope. The depth and support is outstanding and this was the first place I really felt like home, truly received with all my vastness. And what is most magical I have tools now to work with to build the most magical life for myself, my family and people in my reality and results already are so magnificent. Love you so much and grateful that you are here on the Earth right now!
Zanda, Healer & Artist
“The evolutionary growth that has emerged — just within the few weeks immersed in this Visionary Spirit group — has made a huge difference in amplifying the clarity of my expression and deepened my articulation of my sacred work in the world. I am profoundly grateful to you, Ciara, for this container of community for evolutionary beings. It’s like coming home to family on a whole new and healthy level.”
Taylor Johnso
Bobbye, Yin Arising Catalyst
Writing and creativity is birthing through me and I am truly enjoying the process. So many of the concepts that we have explored here are landing into me in a more embodied way, in this way I feel I can connect to and tender them in a more wholesome way. I noticed myself trusting more and I am giving space and getting used to this new state of being. Allowing life to nurture me and the field that I have so lovingly cultivated.
Casey William
Daniela, Divine Feminine Shaman
I want to say that these Gatherings have become the highlight of my month. I get more new awareness and nourishment and opening from them than pretty much anything else I do. Big love to all! It is magic you create, Ciara.
Tomar Levine, Intuitive Life Purpose & Empowerment Coach
You’re a smart, gifted spiritual man or woman with big dreams, aspirations and deep creativity burning in your soul. Yet despite this, up until now, you’ve been having trouble landing it…
In your private moments, you reel at the ways you doubt yourself, second-guess, and are never quite sure of your own process.
Often unsure if an outside authority may have more knowledge than you, even when it comes to the inexplicable vastness of your own essence.
You sometimes wonder about your contribution – is it valid? Is it ok, worthy, “good enough”?
Yet you know your potential is extraordinary, and feel in your bones this is a turning point year where all the questions of an old time melt away.
You’ve come to a place in your life where you’re truly ready – ready to make the psychological journey across the threshhold from one life to what comes next, with full support.
You’re unafraid of the dark unlit corners, because you’ve already faced them. And now you simply want to turn on the light that banishes everything false you’ve ever thought about yourself.
This is The Garden.
In this container, we’re going for a vibe.
You’ll know if you’re meant to be here. Don’t overthink it, listen to the soft whispers and follow the subtle call to the emerging Summer that is being evoked through this portal.

“I see a summer day where we gather under the oak tree surrounded by all types of flowers. We are sipping tea and sharing our stories with each other. It feels very wholesome. Like a post-war rebuilding process. Sharing the joy of having ‘made it’ here” – Shane, our Divine Masculine Space Holder
“It is my sincere intention that after your time in The Garden, that your inner gifts have started to flow so effortlessly, that you will become a River to Your People, a River to Your People, a River to Your People.” – Niels, our Storyteller

“As the magical beings gathered, joyful evolution in this sanctuary garden of delights unfolded. Those finding their way here received welcome, honor, appreciation. All were showered with abundant resources— joys in every flavor and tone. All were nourished as the potent magic of everyone’s unique miracle-song emerged. Seeing with new eyes, each one self-witnessed their own, and their kindreds’, ever-growing radiance, art, creations, wholeness, emergence, magic, and the miraculous.” Bobbye, our Inner Wisdom Keeper
A secret space.
Homecoming and a place to grow whatever you need to grow.
Rebuilding (your life and the world) from a very different place.
Rebuilding after the war…
The psyche now has to heal.
Let the harshness of the artificial dream yield to exquisite softness.
Forget the dream ever existed, plant flowers, grow trees.
This is the year for you to know yourself truly – to find out who you really are.
What Some of Our Clients Say
The Bringers of Hope gatherings are a potent balm of high frequency Light to body & being. A nurturing space where purity, wholesomeness and shared intent for the inner work reigns (not ego dramatics). Ciara facilitates this heart-centered sanctuary with great wisdom & excellent prowess; fit for purpose for beings like us.
Sinéad de hÓra -New Earth Elixirs
Being plugged into this group feels incredible: like coming home… like instantaneous and effortless evolution… like unconditional love and acceptance (from others and of self)… like the perfect place to be to birth my new business powerfully and authentically, so that I may express the fullness of my being on the planet now!
Taylor Johnso
Sue Elliot, Angel Coach
I am deeply appreciative of Ciara and for the blessing of partaking in these gatherings. The wondrous experience of being lovingly held in such awe-inspiring, compassionate oneness, whilst witnessing myself and others’ lives gracefully unfold within the beauty of unified diversity is such a divinely inspiring, magical treasure-trove of delightfulness! I absolutely love attending the Gatherings! The subtle, yet powerfully-uplifting, contributions of diversely intimate perspectives and authentic expressions form truly life-altering alchemical leveraging! With Resounding Gratitude and Love.
Casey William
Marisa Albano, Healer

Your guides for this journey…
Ciara Young – Mystic, Healer & Mentor
I’ve been on an accelerated spiritual journey my whole life, and I deeply know and understand the many challenges that come with walking this path. From a very young age I’ve known I was here for a very different purpose than what my environment led me to believe, and for many years this knowing was a source of great suffering.
Through a process of lifelong initiation, I came to understand that my calling is to work with those just like me who are here for something truly massive and far-reaching in its implications.
Who simply don’t fit into existing paradigms, and who refuse to relinquish the knowing that a new world is possible – no matter how much of a pipe dream it might seem like from within the confines of mainstream realities.
Together, we are creating the New Earth.
I deeply understand your unique experiences, needs and challenges as a highly conscious multi-dimensional being.
And I genuinely care about your journey… it’s impossible for me to put into words the honour I feel to be privileged to participate in even the smallest way in the lives of those who come to walk alongside me for any length of time, and I don’t take any of this lightly.
You can be assured with me that I treasure you in the way that is befitting of the divine being that you are. The preciousness of your existence is safe with me.
My Approach
Through a fusion of ancient feminine shamanism, mysticism, metaphysics, quantum engineering, intuitive coaching/mentoring and metaphysical psychology, a deep understanding of modern challenges and drawn from an absolute wealth of personal experience, intensive mystery school study of the most advanced materials on the planet, plus professional training in several key areas. You will receive the full breadth of all that I can bring to the table from the boundless treasure box of my practice, which is continually being added to, and the scope of support of which is increasingly vast. Working with me is a truly unique experience and you’ll know if you’re being called.
Meet The Rest of Our Facilitators
Our passionate, experienced and dedicated team brings together a diverse range of skills and expertise to make this journey really whole and full, supporting you from many different angles.

Shane Donohoe
Shaman, Healer & Guide for Wayshowers
Shane brings a grounded and balanced presence to the Garden. He is an experienced space holder and keeper of divine masculine codes. He is a guardian of the divine feminine and brings a sense of calmness and freedom to express one’s true self in his presence. He is the big brother and guardian of the Garden ensuring the holiness of this space remains free from distorted influences, and all those within are free to explore the depths of their being in safety.
He has a wealth of knowledge and experience borne from many years on the spiritual path and shares a unique alchemy with his soul sister, Ciara. Shane is also a powerful soul healer with a deeply rich and experienced shamanic background. He has a passion for empowering people to live their highest truth free of belief systems and programming using practical tools and sharing his own unique life experiences.

Bobbye Middendorf, MA
Inner Wisdom Keeper & Sacred Space Holder
Bobbye Middendorf, MA, with Goddess-hearted Presence, lives the priestess path. As multidimensional Beacon, she embodies portals of potentialities. She stands as living bridge for those committed to Yin Arising in exultant devotion to Infinite Mother. Facilitating transformations, Bobbye’s luminous presence weaves healing, spoken and written word alchemy, visual #WordAltars, dream mentoring, and CoCreations in partnership. Her circles and #SacredSpaceHolding spark #HeartFireMagic, for those who play in her field. Her work invokes radiant wholeness & boundless creativity as Inner Divine Feminine and Masculine dance together.

Shamanic Storyteller, Tranceworker & Healer
With nearly two decades of experience guiding spiritual retreats across the globe, Niels has had the privilege of helping women connect with their divine masculine within. For ‘The Garden’ project he brings the ancient art of storytelling, and its deep capacity for transformation. Learn more about this ancient art, here.
Become Who You Were Born to Be
A thriving ecosystem (think New Earth of the future) requires that each individual is full in themselves.
We call this – masterful individuality.
You cannot make it to ultimate freedom as part of a group – the initatory gates are guarded. Only those strong enough to stand alone may pass through.
And yet, none of us can become ourselves alone, and it is only together that the highest dreams are created.
Within the Garden, we teach you to become a sovereign individual, that the fullness of your being might contribute in the most extraordinary ways to the whole of life.
Most spiritual communities are focused on fostering followers. We do the exact opposite, and set out to have you become so fundamentally self-referencing that the only reason you stay with us is because you actually want to – because the exploration is inspiring.
We seek to bring you home to yourself deeper than you’ve ever come before, to set you free, and to see you become all that you are as we cry tears of joy to behold you as one of the brightest shining lights on this planet.
Welcome to The Garden.
What Some of Our Clients Say
Thank you Ciara. And to everyone. I couldn’t navigate this in the way I am that I’m growing to love so much without you all. The grace of it all is growing as I go further along. I’d probably be bald at this point from pulling my hair out and feeling traumatised had I been still trying to keep going on my own as this way of showing up is so opposite to anything I’ve learned before this group. I’m very grateful for the education in it.
Anonymous Member
Taylor Johnso
As an ever-evolving multidimensional being, a poet, mystic and healer, and, I receive massive benefits, blessings, and support by being in CoCreative community with Ciara Young. Her sacred space groups overflow with deep mystical wisdom embodied, heart-nourishing practices, and practical business growth strategies not available anywhere else. Specifically tailored to growing new Light Leadership beyond the mainstream, her growing body of work supports all of us dancing along the growth edge of practical metaphysics for greatest self-actualization and creation of the new from the most heart-expansive field.
Taylor Johso
B – Poet, Mystic, Healer
I’m tremendously deeply beyond-any-words grateful for you, dear Ciara, and for each and everyone of you, dear sisters, and for this magnificent magical space we’re having here. Thank you so, so much! This is genuinely the greatest and most precious treasure in my life.
Casey William
Isabella DancingHeart, GoddessYou Divine Dance
Read More Testimonials

Join anytime, cancel anytime if it’s not your vibe – though we don’t think you’ll want to.
So, here’s a short recap of what you get access to:
A minimum of 3 live calls per month (sometimes more)
A library of actually helpful spiritual training content including 60+ hours (yes you read that right!) of videos on the science of self-love, mastering the inner family, leaving the unreal dream, alchemical keys to a higher life more
Dedicated community space on Circle with ongoing support
Alchemical storytelling (hidden gem!), deep feminine embodiment, movement and sound medicine
Private Telegram broadcast channel
Powerful background healing and upgrade support, all held within an entrainment field
Monthly plan
Join us month-to-month
Annual plan
Annual discount for 12 months membership – the lowest price
Add private sessions with Ciara
Not available anywhere else after February – minimum 6 month commitment

This stuff is hard to sell in words – but here’s what we would tell you. The Garden is truly a multi-layered ecosystem that once you’re inside of we take insanely good care of you on every level. There’s no way to actually describe the full scope of what’s in here and what you’ll receive, but here are a few more tangible pieces you can expect that have not been mentioned yet:
Special discounts on many of our other offerings, written materials, pop-up live events, healing events, impromptu audio recordings, videos, and more.
We are totally dedicated to your journey. You have something important within you, and we want you to nurture it into its full flowering. This is the spiritual home you’ve been looking for!
Though ultimately all answers are found within, this is the space that will nurture you to settle into that truly and become profoundly whole unto your own being
Potential Questions You Might Have
How does it work?
This offering works in a “spiral” format, meaning that the longer you stay in, the deeper we go together and the more progressive transformation you experience.
You can drop in at any time and start right where you are – there isn’t a specific start or end date. Though we do run periodic live launches, wherever you land in terms of joining time will position you perfectly to gain whatever benefit you need to at the time. We present materials in an up-to-the-minute “journey” format, and the journey is ongoing and never-ending.
Although there are no contracts, it goes without saying that the more you commit to the journey over a longer-term period, the greater the benefit you will receive. We trust each invididual to be powerful and sovereign in devotion to their own process of unfolding, and not to give into fears and resistance that would have them back-track before full change is complete.
How long will I have access?
This is a pay-for-access rather than pay for ownership container, which means that you will retain access for the time during which you are an active member. If or when your membership is cancelled, access to both the community and resource library will be lost.
This is a deep journey, and you will need to have done a larger degree of spiritual self-work, as well as be self-led and fully responsible for your own healing process and providing adequate care for yourself as you move what can often be a fairly revealing process.
While The Garden is considered the “lite version” of deep psychological excavation in constast to The Rose Sanctuary container, you must still be of sound and stable mind, emotionally self-sovereign, and in a place to hold yourself securely through whatever may come up for you. This offering is not a replacement for therapy, and in cases where we deem that therapy is necessary, we may refer you externally or suggest alternative approaches to your healing path.
In terms of developing your extraordinary potential, you must also be self-motivated and willing, ready and able to put in the work to embody what is needed to become masterful. No responsibility is assumed by us for lack of self-impelled contribution, and no guarantees are made about what you can achieve.
How much personal support do I get through this container?
Unless you select the private session add-on, all support is provided on a group basis both within our private member’s only Community Temple, and bi-monthly live calls with Ciara – in addition to seasonal contributions from our other hand-selected facilitators.
One live call per month is devoted to Group Coaching where you can come to ask any personal questions whatever pertaining to your own journey as you move through this material.
Please be aware that private messaging, chat or email support are not provided in any format through this offering, even if you opt to select the monthly private session add-on. Chat support is available via our One to One Mentoring program only.
Is this only for women?
This container is primarily woman-oriented, however we do have some brothers and welcome our brothers to join us if they feel the call!
Can I cancel if I don’t like it?
Yes, you can cancel at any time. However, as this is a pay-for-access rather than pay-for-ownership container, when you cancel you will lose access to all resources when your membership term is up.
What if I want a refund?
We pour our heart and soul into this work and you will receive immediate access to all resources. As such, we operate a strictly no refund policy to respect the nature of this sacred space. Please be sure to make a clear and embodied decision about your participation, as there will be no exceptions made to this rule.
Terms of Exchange
- Exchange is non-refundable due to immediate access to content/materials.
- Offering is provided on a pay-for-access vs pay-for-ownership basis. This means that once your membership expires, you will lose access to the library and community space
- Any coaching or support is provided exclusively via the group format and within our live calls and doesn’t include private 1:1 contact via email and chat. If desired, private sessions can be purchased as a add-on, and these also do not include email and chat support. Unlimited 1:1: chat access is available via our One to One Mentoring Program only.
- Your purchase indicates that you understand 1:1 support is not included in this program (unless you purchase private sessions), that this is a group offering, and that you will not unreasonably expect ongoing personal support or contact either via email or private message within our community space.
- Participants agree not to reproduce the content shared within this platform for commercial purposes without express written consent, or to share content publicly. Violation of this agreement will result in immediate termination of contract and loss of membership access rights.
- By making this exchange, you are certifying that you are of sound mind and assuming responsibility for your own healing journey, and that you understand that this work is not a substitute for therapy