The Magic of Stories

The Mucky Business of Being Human

Stories are not just entertainment. 

They are like an archaeologist, digging through many different layers, into the ground.

They don’t just work on the level of a society teaching the next generation how to be. 

Keep digging.

Deep, deep down into the damp ground, you will find the real old stories. The ones whose imagery didn’t originate from a human imagination, but were whispered to us from beyond the edge of the campfire. Stories that didn’t have a human author to begin with (for is that not the true meaning of ‘myth’?). Those stories carry a power inside of them, far more potent than just that of a moral tale or highfalutin ideas about archetypes.

Those kinds of stories, are alive. Quite literally. And they don’t behave.

And when properly told, when properly received and finding a home inside of your body, they can change a human mind, a human being to its very core.

There are many powerful non-linear forces at work on this Earth. And stories are one of the easiest access points to some of those forces, as a way to grow both spiritually and in the mucky business of having an (extra)ordinary human life.

The true power of stories, is a ceremonial one, to change you from who you were, to who you are becoming. 

And once you receive stories like that, then the fun just begins. For there are many more layers beyond that, to dig into…

Taken at the ancient megalithic passage tomb Dowth, County Meath, Ireland
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